Have you been waiting for my next book?
By now you've probably noticed that I don't post a lot of blogs, send out newsletters that basically tell you the same thing I did in the last one, or ask for reviews. If you are moved to write a review, I appreciate them, but I'd rather that they come from your heart. I know that I am not the best at marketing my books, but I'll tell you a little secret. I'd rather put my energy into writing a good book. Then again, I think you already know that. That doesn't mean I don't want to do those things, but sometimes life just takes up my time, and when I come back to write, that's what I want to do.
My grandson was born in 2018, and you know that has been a worthwhile real life event. He's wonderful. My wife and I bought a home, and once again that's a beautiful distraction. So, I've had a full year, but in the midst of it, there has been Buried for Now. Somehow I managed to go back and re-edit all five of the books. I think I've succeeded in making them more readable. I also entered a contest and had two books in the top ten finals. My thanks to the Greenlight Screenplay Adaptation contest sponsors.

I get a lot of email from my readers asking about my next book. When will it be coming out? Will there be a next book? As a writer and someone who was scared to death when I released my first book, you can't imagine how good it feels when someone asks for more. It's very encouraging, and it makes me work hard to be sure you felt like it was worth the wait. I heard from a very nice lady in Scotland who said she has read the series three times, and I got an email from a man in Florida who reads them with his son. I created something that takes a reader to a comfortable place where she can return again when she wants something familiar and permanent to surround her, and I created something that has been common ground for a parent and a teenager. How can I say thank you enough to them and all of you who have brought me into your lives?
So, I'm happy to tell you that Book 6 will be released soon. It's amazing how much work is left to be done after you write the last line, but that's where it is now. The cover is being designed and the manuscript is being edited. Thank you for waiting for Buried for Now, and I'll post the cover in my next blog.